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Wisconsin Speeding Laws

So, you got pulled over and received a speeding ticket from the officer. Now what do you do? While you first reaction might be just to accept the ticket, pay the fine, and move on, things aren’t that simple. See, getting a speeding ticket is about a lot more than a simple fine. You also have to consider the increase to your insurance rate that’s sure to follow shortly. Then, there are the points that will be added to your license. Get too many points over time, and your license will be taken away.

That leaves you with one option. You need to consider fighting your speeding ticket. It’s the best way to fight off high insurance rates and points on your license. Try thinking of fighting your ticket as an investment. If you win your case, this investment will save you a lot of money, and it can even save your driver’s license.

Are you ready to fight your speeding ticket? First, let’s spend a little time going over Wisconsin speeding laws. The information in this overview will help you gain a better understanding of how the state approaches these cases. In the end, you’ll also have access to an online directory of the top speeding ticket lawyers in Wisconsin who can take on your case.

Unique Wisconsin Driver's License Suspension

In Wisconsin, speeding 25 mph or more above the limit in a 55/65 mph zone can earn you an instant 15 day driver’s license suspension.

Statute that Governs Speeding in Wisconsin

Wisconsin speeding laws and other rules of the road are governed by 346.57 of the Wisconsin Code.

Wisconsin Driver's License Points System

To keep dangerous drivers off the road, Wisconsin uses a driver’s license points system. Every time you’re convicted of a moving violation, points are added to your driving record. If you earn 12 or more points within a year, your license will be suspended.

Here’s an outline of the points assigned to moving violations in Wisconsin:

  • Speeding 1 to 10 mph over the limit – 3 points
  • Speeding 11 to 19 mph over the limit – 4 points
  • Speeding 20 mph or more over the limit – 6 points

Are you starting to see the pattern here? The faster you drive, the more points get added to your license. For this reason, you need to take every speeding ticket you get seriously.

Can I Fight My Wisconsin Speeding Ticket?

Yes, you absolutely have the right to fight your Wisconsin speeding ticket in court. Remember, just because an officer gives you a ticket doesn’t mean you’re automatically guilty. And fighting your ticket is often the best decision you can make. After all, can you really afford to pay a higher insurance rate over the next few years? And do you really want to risk losing your license the next time you get pulled over? Fight your speeding ticket with the help of a qualified speeding ticket lawyer in Wisconsin.

Speeding Ticket Lawyer in Wisconsin

What can you do to give yourself the best chance of beating your speeding ticket? It’s all about choosing the right lawyer for your needs. Remember, you are fighting a speeding ticket, so you need a speeding ticket lawyer. In other words, don’t just hire the first lawyer you find in a phonebook because he or she probably isn’t qualified to handle your case.

That’s where we can help. At Ticket Void, we have an online directory full of the top speeding ticket lawyers in Wisconsin. This means you can have the peace of mind that comes with knowing you hired the right person for the job. Get started today by selecting the city nearest you from the list below. Try Ticket Void today!