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Oregon Speeding Laws

Getting a speeding ticket in Oregon wouldn’t be so bad if all you had to do was pay the fine printed on the ticket. But a speeding ticket carries far more consequences than a small fine. Getting a speeding ticket also means an instant drastic increase to your insurance rates. It also means you’ll have a speeding charge on your record. If you get too many speeding tickets over time, the state can decide to suspend your driving privileges.

For this reason, we recommend you consider fighting your Oregon speeding ticket. Just think about it: Do you really want to pay a higher insurance rate each month? And do you really want to risk being deemed a repeat offender and losing your license?

If you’re thinking about fighting your speeding ticket, you should first learn a little more about Oregon speeding laws. In this overview, you’ll find all the information you need to better understand the laws, the penalties, and what you’re up against. At the end, you’ll also have access to our directory of top speeding ticket lawyers in Oregon who can take on your case.

Unique Oregon Driver's License Suspension

Even though Oregon doesn’t use a points system for traffic tickets, those who repeatedly violate traffic laws can end up with a license suspension.

Statute that Governs Speeding in Oregon

Oregon speeding laws and other rules of the road are outlined in 21-4168 Chapter 811 of the state law.

Oregon Driver's License Points System

Okay, so Oregon doesn’t use a driver’s license points system like other states, but that doesn’t mean the state doesn’t keep track of your driving record. If you receive 3 traffic convictions within an 18 month period, your driver’s license will be suspended. In many ways, this is harsher than most state’s driver’s license points system.

That’s why you need to take every speeding ticket you get seriously. It doesn’t take much for you to find yourself staring in the face of a possible license suspension. One ticket can be the difference between your freedom and your being without a license.

Can I Fight My Oregon Speeding Ticket?

To put it simply, the answer is yes. Yes, you can fight your Oregon speeding ticket in court. Don’t just roll over and take your punishment. Can you really afford a drastic increase to your insurance rates? Do you really want to risk being deemed a repeat offender, having your license suspended? If the answer is no, then it’s time for you to fight back. Winning your speeding ticket case can save you a lot of money and trouble. Get your case started today by finding a speeding ticket lawyer in Oregon to guide you through this process.

Speeding Ticket Lawyer in Oregon

If you’re ready to fight your speeding ticket, you need to find a lawyer to take on your case. Remember, Oregon speeding laws are detailed, and not every lawyer is well versed in this branch of the law. You need to hire a specialist. An experienced speeding ticket lawyer in Oregon can ensure you have the best chance possible of winning your case.

With Ticket Void, the best speeding ticket lawyers in Oregon are just a click away. Our directory contains listings from experienced specialists who have demonstrated success in getting speeding tickets dropped. Don’t you want the peace of mind that comes with knowing you hired the right lawyer for your case? Use Ticket Void today!