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Ohio Speeding Laws

Getting a speeding ticket in Ohio doesn’t have to be a nightmare. Just because the officer hands you a ticket doesn’t automatically mean you’re guilty. It also doesn’t mean that you have to accept the high insurance rates and the points on your license that come with a speeding ticket.

Instead, you can choose to stand up for your rights by fighting your speeding ticket in court. Fighting your speeding ticket is a wise investment as it can save you from expensive insurance rates and from points being added to your license. Remember, if you get too many points, your license will be suspended. Can you really risk having that happen?

If you’re considering fighting your speeding ticket, you need to first spend time learning more about Ohio speeding laws. This article includes all the information you need to understand the state’s laws and speeding penalties. You’ll also have access to a useful resource for finding the best speeding ticket lawyers in Ohio to handle your case.

Unique Ohio Driver's License Feature

In Ohio, drivers with 2 to 11 points on their record usually qualify for traffic school. If you complete this course, you can earn a 2 point credit to your driving record. However, this 2 point credit isn’t exactly what it seems. See, the 2 points aren’t actually taken off your record. Instead, the threshold for a driver’s license suspension is raised by 2 points. This means those points still on your record will contribute to higher insurance rates.

Statute that Governs Speeding in Ohio

Ohio speeding laws are governed by 4511.21 of the Ohio Code.

Ohio Driver's License Points System

Simply put, getting points on your Ohio driver’s license isn’t a good thing. If you earn 12 or more points in a 2 year period, your license will be suspended.

Here’s an outline of the points assigned to various traffic violations in Ohio:

  • Speeding 30 mph or less over the limit – 2 points
  • Speeding 30 mph or more over the limit – 4 points
  • Most other moving violations – 2 points

Can I Fight My Ohio Speeding Ticket?

Right now, just one thing matters to you: Can I fight my Ohio speeding ticket? The answer is yes. You absolutely can and should fight your speeding ticket in court. It doesn’t make you a troublemaker to challenge the speeding ticket he officer gave you. It’s your right as a citizen to tell your side of the story. And fighting your speeding ticket just makes sense. If you win your case, you’ll avoid the high insurance rates and the points on your driver’s license. It’s a great investment in your future. Get your case started on the right foot by hiring an experienced speeding ticket lawyer in Ohio.

Speeding Ticket Lawyer in Ohio

The single most important decision you’ll make surrounding your speeding ticket case is the lawyer you choose to represent you. It’s not hyperbole to say that a good lawyer can be the difference between winning and losing your case. Keep in mind, Ohio speeding laws are complex, and you need a specialist who deals with these laws day in and day out. Don’t just trust your case to anyone; hire an experienced speeding ticket lawyer in Ohio who has demonstrated success in beating speeding charges.

Thanks to Ticket Void, finding the right lawyer for your case has never been easier. All of the top speeding ticket lawyers in Ohio are just a click away. Our directory contains listings from the top speeding experts in the state. All you have to do to get started in to choose the city closest to you from the list below. Make sure your case is in good hands. Use Ticket Void today!