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Maine Speeding Laws

Getting a speeding ticket in Maine can be a stressful experience. Not only do you have to think about the actual fines of the ticket, but you also have to worry about higher insurance rates and points being tacked onto your license. Get too many of those points, and your license can actually get suspended.

Thankfully, there’s something you can do to make this a less stressful experience. You can fight your ticket. Fighting your ticket is an investment that can pay off many times over. If you win your case, you’ll avoid paying ticket fines, stay away from higher insurance rates, and keep points off your driver’s license. All of this spells peace of mind for you.

Before you start fighting your speeding ticket, you should spend some time familiarizing yourself with Maine speeding laws. The information you’ll read in this overview will help you have a better understanding of your case as a whole. At the end, you’ll also find valuable resources for finding the right speeding ticket lawyer in Maine to handle your case.

Unique Maine Driver's License Feature

In Maine, you can actually earn credit points on your license for each year you go without a moving violation conviction. You can use these credit points to offset any future moving violation convictions.

Statute that Governs Speeding in Maine

Title 29A Section 2074 outlines Maine’s speeding laws.

Maine Driver's License Points System

The Maine BMV uses a points system to penalize drivers who repeatedly speed and commit other moving violations. Points are penalized onto your license each time you’re convicted of a moving violation. Receive 12 points or more, and your license will be taken away. Points drop off your record a year after the date of conviction.

Here’s the outline for points penalties in Maine:

  • Speeding 1 to 15 mph over the limit – 4 points
  • Speeding 16 to 29 mph over the limit – 6 points
  • Excessive acceleration – 4 points
  • Following too closely – 2 points
  • Improper passing – 6 points
  • Other moving violations – 2 points

Can I Fight My Maine Speeding Ticket

You absolutely have the right to fight your Maine speeding ticket in court. More to the point, you should fight your speeding ticket. Think about it: can you really afford the higher insurance rates that come with a speeding ticket? Furthermore, do you really want those points on your license hanging over your head? Instead, get peace of mind from fighting your ticket, beating the charges, and saving yourself money and trouble. Start your case off on the right foot by finding the right speeding ticket lawyer in Maine to take on your case.

Speeding Ticket Lawyer in Maine

No decision is more important to the success of your case than the lawyer you choose to represent you. Maine’s speeding laws are complex, and your case requires the guidance of a specialist. Remember, not all lawyers are equipped to tackle such a highly specific case. For this reason, you need to make certain the lawyer you choose has a successful background in handling and winning speeding ticket cases.

That’s where Ticket Void can help. We take the guesswork out of finding the right lawyer for your needs. Our directory is full of the top speeding ticket lawyers in Maine. All you need to do is simply select the city nearest you from the list below. Once you do that, you’ll have access to the top legal minds in your area. It’s that easy. Give your case the expert guidance it needs by using Ticket Void today!