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Indiana Speeding Laws

Indiana Work Zone Speeding Fines

In 2007, Illinois adopted a $1000 speeding ticket fine. This is for repeat offenders caught speeding in a work zone. Even a first offense for speeding in a work zone comes with a $300 fine in Indiana. Simply put, the state is tough on speeders.

Statute that Governs Speeding in Indiana

Illinois speeding laws are detailed in section 9-21-5 of the Indiana Code.

Indiana Driver's License Points System

The state of Indiana uses a points system to punish drivers who are repeat offenders of speeding and other moving violations. The more points one gets, the more severe the punishment they face. Points stay on your record for 2 years. 12 points in a 2 year period results in you being placed on probation. Receive any tickets during probation and your license will be suspended.

Here is an outline of the points assigned to each moving violation.

  • Speeding 1-15 mph over the limit – 2 points
  • Speeding 16-25 mph over the limit – 4 points
  • Speeding 25 mph or more over the limit – 6 points
  • Following too closely – 6 points

Can I Fight My Indiana Speeding Ticket?

Absolutely, you can fight your Indiana speeding ticket. Too many people simply assume that because the officer gave them the ticket they must accept the punishment. That’s not the case. You have a right to a fair defense in court. You can fight your speeding ticket, and you can beat those charges from your record. Fighting your ticket is an investment in your future. It can save you money, and it can prevent you from a license suspension in the future. Get started today by finding a speeding ticket lawyer in Indiana to handle your case.

Speeding Ticket Lawyer in Indiana

When you walk into that courtroom, you want to have the confidence that comes with knowing you have the best legal team in your corner. That’s why you need to hire an experienced speeding ticket lawyer in Indiana with a successful background in speeding cases. Keep in mind that not all lawyers are familiar with the state’s highly complex speeding laws, so you need to find an expert.

That’s where we can help. We’re Ticket Void, an online legal directory service. Our directory contains listings from the top speeding ticket lawyers in Indiana. Simply select the city nearest you from the list below, and you’ll have access to the top lawyers in your community. Fight your speeding ticket with the help of Ticket Void today!