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Idaho Speeding Laws

Speeding tickets might seem like a minor violation. After all, you just pay the fine on the ticket, and move on with your life, right? Well, not necessarily. See, getting a speeding ticket in Idaho has a lot more implications that simply the actual fine for the ticket. You also have to pay higher insurance rates, and you get points added to your license. Points are NOT a good thing. Reach the threshold of points over the predetermined period of time, and your license could be suspended.

That’s why you need to take your speeding ticket seriously. Don’t just pay it, assuming there’s nothing you can do about it. There is something you can do about it: you can fight it! Fighting your speeding ticket can save you money, and it can help your driving record remain clean.

Before you start your speeding ticket case, spend some time reading this article below. This article contains information on Idaho speeding laws as well as guidelines on how to find the right speeding ticket lawyer in Idaho to handle your case.

Unique Idaho Driver's License Feature

It’s important to note that should your driver’s license be suspended for exceeding the allowed number of points, you don’t just get it back at the end of the suspension period. You have to pay the state a few hundred dollars in fees for reinstating your license. That’s why it’s so important to try your best to keep speeding tickets from going on your record.

Statute that Governs Speeding in Idaho

Idaho speeding laws are governed by the statute 49-654.

Idaho Driver's License Points System

Idaho assesses point penalties for each moving violation a driver commits. Should you exceed the number of allowed points within a certain time frame, your license will be suspended. For example, if you earn 12 to 17 points within a one year period, your license will be suspended for 30 days. If you receive 18 to 23 points within 2 years, your license will be revoked for 3 months. 24 or more points within 3 years will result in a license suspension of 6 months.

So, what are the point penalties for each moving violation?

  • Speeding up to 15 mph over the limit – 3 points
  • Speeding 16 mph or more over the limit – 4 points
  • Excessive acceleration – 4 points
  • Failure to yield – 3 points

Can I Fight My Idaho Speeding Ticket?

Yes, you absolutely can and should fight your speeding ticket in Idaho. Just because you get a ticket from an officer doesn’t automatically mean you’re guilty. It also doesn’t mean you have to just lay down and accept the penalties that come with a speeding ticket in Idaho. You can fight your ticket, and you can get those speeding charges dropped from your record, saving you money and points on your license. Get your case started by finding an Idaho speeding ticket lawyer to handle your case.

Speeding Ticket Lawyer in Idaho

What’s the difference between success and failure in the courtroom? It’s the attorney you choose. When it comes to your speeding ticket case, you need to choose one who understands Idaho speeding laws inside and out. You need to choose a speeding ticket lawyer in Idaho with a successful track record in defending and winning speeding ticket cases.

How can you find such a lawyer? It’s easy. Just use Ticket Void. Ticket Void’s online directory contains listings from the most experienced speeding ticket lawyers throughout the state. Simply click on the city nearest you from the list below to get started. Beat those speeding charges with the help of Ticket Void today!