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Hawaii Speeding Laws

When you think of Hawaii, you think of a relaxed, laid back culture. But when it comes to the state’s speeding laws, nothing could be further from the truth. Hawaii aggressively enforces speeding laws, and those who violate them are punished accordingly. In addition to the excessive ticket fines, a speeding ticket also means higher insurance rates. Each additional ticket means another boost in your rates.

For this reason, you should take every speeding ticket seriously. Never just assume you have to take your medicine and accept the ticket. Instead, you should consider fighting your speeding ticket. With a sound case, you can get your speeding charges dropped in court, keeping your driving record clean and saving you a lot of money.

Before you get started fighting your speeding ticket, you need to take the time to learn a little more about Hawaii speeding laws. The information provided in this overview will help you better understand your case as well as guide you on choosing the right speeding ticket lawyer in Hawaii for your needs.

Hawaii's Stiff Speeding Laws

While Hawaii doesn’t use a ticket driver’s license points system, they do still keep detailed records of driver’s violations. These records can be used to assess level of fines, punishment, and insurance rates. The state also recently passed a law that aggressively penalizes those caught driving 30 mph or more over the limit (or 80 mph on any road.) Penalties for this include fines up to $1000, license suspension, and jail time.

Statute that Governs Speeding in Hawaii

Hawaii speed laws are detailed in section 291C-101 and 291C-102.

Hawaii Driver's License Points System

Unlike other states, Hawaii no longer uses a cumulative points system for moving violations. However, this doesn’t mean that repeat offenders don’t face stiffer penalties. Hawaii still keeps records for each driver. Repeat offenses could mean higher ticket fines, higher insurance rates, and stricter overall punishments. Like with a points system, your license could also be suspended for multiple speeding offenses.

Simply put, just because Hawaii doesn’t have a points system doesn’t mean you should take your speeding ticket lightly. You still face excessive penalties that could land you in a world of trouble.

Can I Fight My Speeding Ticket in Hawaii?

Yes, you can fight your speeding ticket. Remember, just because Hawaii doesn’t have a traditional points system doesn’t mean each speeding ticket isn’t important. Those tickets stay on your record and lead to higher fines and higher insurance rates. Spending a little time fighting your speeding charges now can save you a lot of trouble down the road. Get started on your case right now by finding the right speeing ticket lawyer in Hawaii.

Speeding Ticket Lawyer in Hawaii

Want to give yourself the best chance of winning your speeding ticket case? Make sure you choose the right lawyer for your needs. Hawaii speeding laws are complex, and your case requires the oversight of someone who studies them day in and day out. Not every lawyer is skilled in this branch of the law.

Thankfully, Ticket Void makes finding experienced speeding ticket lawyers in Hawaii easy. The only thing you have to do is simply choose the area nearest you from the list below. You’ll then have access to the top speeding ticket lawyers in your area. It’s that easy. Get your case started today!