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Tennessee Drunk Driving Laws

The penalties for a DUI in Tennessee are among the most stringent in the nation, and for good reason. Tennessee experiences hundreds of alcohol related auto accidents each year. To curtail them, they’ve created some of the strictest drinking and driving laws in the nation.

That’s why you need to take any DUI charge seriously. And you need to act fast when you get a DUI. Waiting around too long can cause you to lose your license and your freedom. For this reason, your first call should be to an experienced Tennessee DUI lawyer. Remember, not every lawyer is an expert in DUI law, so make sure the one you hire is a specialist in these cases.

But relying on your lawyer to make all the decisions about your case isn’t a wise decision. After all, it’s your fate that hangs in the balance. To ensure you make informed decisions about your DUI offense, you should spend time learning more about Tennessee’s drinking and driving laws. Get started by reading the overview below.

Tennessee DUI Basics

The first thing you should understand about Tennessee DUI laws is the term ‘oimplied consent.’ Implied consent means that when you received your driver’s license, you gave the state permission to test your BAC at any time they feel necessary. If you refuse to submit to a blood, breath, or urine test, your license will be taken away immediately. It could also enhance the DUI penalties you’re facing.

The most common way of prosecuting DUI cases in Tennessee is by per se laws. These laws dictate that anyone driving with a BAC of .08% or higher is driving under the influence. In short, if your BAC is above the legal limit, you’re going to jail. While this seems like an unbiased way of determining someoneâ?Ts guilt, the reality is BAC tests aren’t 100% accurate. Test results are subject to being skewed by numerous outside factors. This is why it’s so important to have a Tennessee DUI lawyer on your team. They can analyze this evidence to ensure you aren’t unfairly arrested for drunk driving.

Tennessee DUI Penalties

When the officer placed you in the back of his vehicle, your mind was undoubtedly racing. One of the things you thought about was the penalties you could be facing. While each DUI case is unique, the guidelines for Tennessee DUI penalties are as follows:

If this is your first DUI offense, your penalties include up to 11 months in jail, fines up to $1500, possible probation, attendance in DUI school, and a one year driver’s license suspension.

If you’re a second time DUI offender, you face the following penalties: 45 days to 11 months in jail, fines up to $3500, alcohol rehabilitation, license suspension of 2 years, and possible vehicle forfeiture.

For your third DUI conviction, your penalties include 120 days to 11 months in jail, fines up to $10,000, probation, alcohol rehab, license revocation of 3 to 10 years, and vehicle forfeiture. Keep in mind, these penalties could be enhanced if you refused the BAC test. They may also be enhanced if your BAC is .20% or higher or if you caused an accident while intoxicated.

Finding a Tennessee DUI Lawyer

You know by now that the penalties for a DUI in Tennessee are serious. You can’t waste time deciding what to do about your charges. You need to find a DUI lawyer today!

Thankfully, Ticket Void makes finding the best Tennessee DUI lawyers fast and easy. All you have to do is select the city nearest you from the list below, and you’ll get to browse listings from the top lawyers in your community. TicketVoid is a FREE service to the driver.