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Massachusetts Drunk Driving Laws

A DUI/OUI is a serious charge in Massachusetts, and it’s one that can quickly turn your whole world inside-out. But it’s important to remember that just because you’ve been pulled over for drinking and driving, you aren’t necessarily guilty. A lot of evidence goes into each DUI/OUI case, and it’s important to understand all the facts to ensure your rights are protected in court.

To best analyze all of the facts in your case, we recommend hiring a Massachusetts DUI lawyer with ample experience and a successful track record. Keep in mind that not all attorneys are comfortable practicing this area of the law. So, it’s important that you find one who helps people like you day in and day out. Experience is key!

Of course, since it’s your fate that hangs in the balance, it’s also in your best interest to learn as much as you can about Massachusetts DUI/OUI laws. That’s why we’ve compiled this easy-to-understand overview for you. This will give you all the information you need to get your case headed in the right direction.

Massachusetts DUI/OUI Basics

The basic of Massachusetts DUI/OUI law are fairly straightforward. In Massachusetts, a .08% BAC is considered legally drunk. Therefore, if you drive a motor vehicle with a BAC at or above this level, you’ll be charged with an OUI.

However, this again doesn’t mean you’re automatically guilty. The court must believe that the test was conducted properly and the results can be trusted. There are several factors that can influence the accuracy of these results, and a good Massachusetts OUI lawyer can find any holes in flimsy evidence.

Massachusetts DUI/OUI Penalties

If you’ve been charged with an OUI, this section is probably of the most interest to you. After all, everyone needs to be aware of what penalties they’re up against. Like every other state, Massachusetts gives harsher penalties for each additional OUI offense. So, someone who has 3 prior OUIs will be penalized more than a first time offender. However, unlike most other states, Massachusetts OUI convictions are permanent, and there isn’t a grace period after a few years.

If this is your first DUI/OUI offense, you’ll pay fines up to $5,000. You could serve anywhere from 0 days to 2 ½ years in jail. Your license will also be suspended for one year.

For your second DUI/OUI offense, the fines could range up to $10,000. You’ll spend anywhere from 30days to 2 1/2 years behind bars. This time, your driver’s license will be taken away for 2 years.

If this is your third DUI/OUI conviction, the fines could go up to $15,000. You’ll be placed in jail for 150 days to 5 years, and your license will be suspended for 8 years.

Any additional offenses include a lot of jail time and possible lifetime suspensions of your driver’s license.

Massachusetts DUI/OUI Lawyer

Because of the strict penalties that stem from Melanie’s Law, you need to find a great attorney to stand by you in court. Make no mistake about it; you don’t want to go in front of the judge by yourself. Of course, you might not know how to find an attorney if this is your first time. Remember, not all lawyers are adept at handling OUI cases.

Thatâ?Ts where TicketVoid can help. Our unique services help you find the best Massachusetts DUI/OUI lawyers in your area. Getting started is fast and easy. Simply click on the city nearest you, and youâ?Tll be able to view listings from experienced OUI lawyers in your community for FREE. Get the defense you deserve today!