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Maine Drunk Driving Laws

A DUI/OUI charge in Maine is something you simply can’t ignore. These are very serious charges, and you need to tackle them with the highest level of professionalism. For this reason, it’s important to choose a Maine DUI lawyer who can represent you to make certain your rights are upheld and you receive the best defense possible.

Remember, DUI/OUI law is highly complex, so you have to select an attorney who specializes in these types of cases. A specialist will give you the best chance of saving your license and your freedom.

Of course, you also need to take the time to learn more about Maine DUI/OUI laws. After all, it’s your future that’s on the line here. So, we recommend studying this brief overview of Maine’s drinking and driving laws so that you can better understand the gravity of your case.

Maine DUI/OUI Basics

If you’re operating a motor vehicle with a BAC of .08% or higher, you’ll be taken to jail for an OUI. It’s important to note that the BAC is the only truly important piece of state evidence in these types of cases. In other words, officers don’t care if you were driving fine or if you can breeze through the field sobriety tests. A BAC of .08% or higher means youâ?Tre drunk in the eyes of the law, and that’s the bottom line.

You also need to realize that Maine has implied consent laws. To explain, when you receive your driver’s license you have signed over consent to submit to a blood alcohol test if so ordered by an officer. If you refuse to take a blood, breath, or urine BAC test, your license can be taken away immediately (for up to 6 years!)

It’s also important to note that you have just 10 days to appeal a driver’s license suspension in Maine. That’s why it’s so important to find a Maine OUI lawyer as quickly as possible.

Maine DUI/OUI Penalties

Punishments for an OUI in Maine vary depending on how many prior convictions you have. Each subsequent OUI receives a stiffer penalty than the last. Here are the guidelines for Maine OUI penalties.

During your first OUI conviction, your license will be suspended for at least 90 days. The fines will be around $500 (not including court fees,) and you could be placed on probation for a year.

If this is your second DUI/OUI arrest, the penalties are a bit stronger. They include an automatic 18 month driver’s license suspension, a minimum of one week in jail, and at least $600 in fines. You may also be placed in an alcohol treatment program.

For your third OUI conviction, your license will be taken away for 4 years. You’ll be in jail for at least 30 days, and the fines will exceed $1,000.

There are also other factors that could lead to an enhanced penalty. They include refusal to take BAC tests, a BAC of .15% or higher, driving 30 mph over the speed limit, and having a minor in the car with you. Also, the state of Maine has zero tolerance laws in effect for minors who drink and drive.

Maine DUI/OUI Lawyer

Just because you’re arrested for an OUI doesn’t mean you’re guilty. You need to find a Maine OUI lawyer who’ll work with you to gather relevant evidence and to ensure your rights are always protected.

Finding a lawyer for your needs is easy. Get started today by clicking on the city nearest you below. You’ll then be able to select from the top Maine OUI lawyers in your area.