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Indiana Drunk Driving Laws

Despite going by OWI (operating while intoxicated) instead of DUI, Indiana’s drunk driving laws are fairly similar to those found in most other states. And of course, being charged with an OWI should be taken with the same level of earnestness as in any other state.

That means you need to find an Indiana OWI/DUI lawyer who understands the details of Indiana OWI laws. A drunk driving legal specialist understands all the factors surrounding your case, and their counsel will help you get through this trying time of your life.

But hiring an Indiana OWI lawyer doesn’t mean you should just sit back and not take an interest in your case. Remember, it’s your future that’s at stake. So, you need to take the time to read through the main points of Indiana OWI laws to gain a better understanding of what you’re up against.

Indiana OWI/DUI Basics

To begin, it’s worth pointing out the one main difference in Indiana drunk driving laws. Indiana OWI law dictates that the officer has the right to choose whether to test your BAC by blood, breath, or urine. You don’t get to choose the test you’d like to take. Furthermore, you don’t have the right to speak with a lawyer before taking your BAC test like you do in most other states.

In Indiana, .08% BAC is considered legally drunk. So, if you’re caught operating a motor vehicle with a BAC at or above that level, you will be taken to jail. However, if your BAC is over .15%, then the case is prosecuted even more severely than a typical OWI.

Indiana OWI/DUI Penalties

It’s only natural for your first thoughts after receiving an OWI to be ‘What penalties am I facing for this?’ While every case is unique, the basic Indiana OWI penalties are as follows.

If this is your first OWI offense, your license could be suspended for up to 2 years. Additionally, you could pay up to $5,000 in fines, and your jail time could go up to one year. These penalties could be even more severe if your BAC was above .15%.

For second time OWI offenders, you could be charged with a felony for drunk driving. Your license could be taken away from 180 days to 2 full years. Probation, jail time, and excessive fees are also sure to be included in your punishment.

By the time you reach your third OWI offense, the state considers you a habitual offender. This means your license will be taken away for 10 years, you’ll be in jail for several months, and you’ll face a prolonged probation upon getting out.

Remember, each of these Indiana OWI penalties can be enhanced if your BAC is .15% or higher. Furthermore, if you’re involved in an accident that causes injury or death, you could be facing very serious charges.

Note, the state of Illinois has zero tolerance for minors drinking and driving. A minor faces the same penalties as someone over the age of 21 on their first DUI conviction.

Indiana OWI/DUI Lawyer

It’s easy to see that Indiana takes drinking and driving very seriously. That’s why it’s so important to hire an Indiana OWI lawyer as soon as you’re charged with drunk driving. An experienced OWI attorney can gather all the relevant evidence, and they’ll provide the best defense possible on your behalf. You don’t want to stand in front of that judge alone. Get the defense you need to ensure your rights are protected.

It’s easy and FREE to get started. Simply click on the city nearest you in the list below, and you’ll have access to the top Indiana OWI lawyers in your area.