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Arizona Drunk Driving Laws

While the entire country has laws in place to prevent intoxicated individuals from driving, the intricacies of these laws vary by the state. For those found in violation of Arizona DUI laws, it’s important to understand these laws and to find a lawyer immediately. Remember, not every attorney is well versed in DUI laws. That’s why you need to find an experienced Arizona DUI lawyer who can give you the defense you deserve.

But educating yourself on the local DUI laws is also important. This overview will give you all the information you need to better understand your DUI case in Arizona.

Know the Legal Limit in Arizona

The first thing you need to know is the legal limit for blood-alcohol-concentration in Arizona. For those driving a personal vehicle, the legal limit is .08%. However, if you’re driving a commercial vehicle (ex. 18 wheeler or bus), the legal limit is significantly lower–.04%. Remember, there are other factors involved that could affect your blood-alcohol-concentration. Medications, illegal drugs, and other substances can also hamper your ability to operate a vehicle, and they could cause you to receive a DUI in Arizona.

Which Penalty are You Facing?

Arizona DUI laws don’t have one-size-fits-all punishments for individuals caught driving under the influence. Your penalty depends on numerous factors. One of the most important factors for determining how you’ll be penalized is how many prior offenses you have.

First time offenders obviously get a less sever penalty than multiple time violators. For your first DUI in Arizona, you could serve a minimum of 10 days in jail plus owe fines in excess of $250. Additionally, your license will be suspended for 90 days.

If it’s your second DUI offense, you face a minimum of 90 days in jail (could be reduced if you submit to treatment) and a $500 fine (plus other arrest fees). Plus, your license will be suspended for one year.

For offenders on their third DUI, the penalties can be quite severe. A minimum of 4 months (could be over 10 years depending upon other factors) in prison must be served, and fines up to $150,000 could be enforced. Furthermore, your license will be suspended for at least 3 years.

But there are Other factors to Consider:

Other factors determine the penalty you could face for being in violation of DUI laws in Arizona. For instance, having a minor under the age of 15 in the car with you during your DUI could increase your penalty significantly (depending upon past record and other factors.)

The Extreme DUI

The state of Arizona also has what is known as an Extreme DUI. This felony is charged to individuals pulled over with a blood-alcohol-concentration over .15%. Like their name implies, Extreme DUIs carry much stiffer consequences, even for first time offenders.

Zero Tolerance for Minors

Like other states, Arizona is particularly harsh on minors caught driving under the influence. All drivers with alcohol in their system pose a danger to themselves and others, but the danger is increased when it’s a minor behind the wheel.

To deter teen alcohol abuse, the state of Arizona can suspend your license for 2 years if you’re caught with any amount of alcohol in your system. But that’s not all. You also face heavy fines as well as potential jail time.

Get the Arizona DUI Lawyer you Deserve

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to take your DUI case in Arizona lightly. A DUI is a serious offense that could change your life forever. If you’ve been charged with a DUI in Arizona, find an experienced attorney now! You can’t spare another second without a qualified DUI attorney by your side. Get the help you need to navigate through the complex DUI laws in Arizona today!