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State Drunk Driving Laws

DUI Effects and Repercussions

DUI laws are purposely meant to negatively affect the life of a drunk driver. The point being that the drunk driver feels the impact and consequences of his or her actions. These punishments, however harsh, are meant to only affect the life of a convicted drunk driver in the short-term, making it possible to turn life around. Some of the repercussions include losing the license to drive, suspension of license, community service, fines, alcohol education classes, and assessments of improved life after completing the punishments. Other traffic ticket matters can be help by using the Ticket Void DUI Attorneys.

The effect of a DUI can last for years. It’s a very good idea to hire a DUI attorney. A convicted drunk driver will have to miss a substantial amount of work because of a DUI. If the DUI were to cause a job loss, having a driver’s license suspended due to a DUI or DWI will make it difficult to land a job. Some people have the opinion that while a license is suspended for DUI or DWI they will able to get a ‘waiver’ and be able to drive to important places such as doctors’ appointments, hospital emergency rooms, stores and work. This is just not true. A person convicted of a DUI or DWI and having the license suspended will not be able to drive at all during the suspension. Once convicted of a DUI the convicted drivers must disclose on any job application that they have been convicted of a DUI. Soldiers in the military could face a dishonorable discharge, if convicted of driving under the influence. A DUI can be the end of a military career and affect the soldier’s family and well-being.

States continue to lower the amount of alcohol ingested to be considered ‘impaired’ and receive a DUI or DWI charge. States are also raising the penalties associated with DUI and DWI. For example, a DUI in Colorado, results in a fine for the ticket received , court costs, plus, for a first offense, an additional three thousand dollar fine. For a second offense (a second charge any time within the next 10 years) the drunk driver loses the driver’s license, not for 3 months, but for two years. Court costs and fines may exceed ten thousand dollars. These fees and fines cannot be discharged through bankruptcy and many people pay them over time based on a payment plan. However, if at any time, the drunk driver does not keep up with the payments, driving privileges can be suspended again. For many reasons, it never pays to drive under the influence of alcohol. One’s life could be affected for years in order to have a little fun by overindulging for one night. Do yourself a favor, complete the DUI form at the top of the page and get in touch with a Ticket Void DUI attorney, most of these law firms can help with other moving violations as well as speeding tickets.

I've been charged with drunk driving. Should I get a lawyer?

Defending against a charge of drunk driving is a difficult business. The defense attorney you choose must understand scientific and medical concepts, and must be able to question tough witnesses, including scientists and police officers. If you want to fight your drunken driving charge, you’re well advised to hire an attorney who specializes in these types of cases.

Do I have to take a blood, breath or urine test if asked to do so by the police?

You have the right to refuse a chemical test (blood, breath or urine), but almost every state has an ‘implied consent’ law, under such laws; a refusal may result in a suspension of your driver’s license for three to 12 months. (The loss of your license can be upheld even if you’re eventually found not guilty of the current drunk driving charge.) In addition, if your case goes to trial, the prosecutor can bring to light the fact that you refused to take the test, which may lead some jury members to conclude that you refused because you were, in fact, intoxicated.

What does BAC stand for?

Blood alcohol content (BAC) or blood alcohol concentration is the concentration of alcohol in blood. This measurement can be taken directly, by drawing a sample of your blood, or it can be calculated by applying a mathematical formula to the amount of alcohol in your breath or urine. If you test at or above the level of intoxication for your state, you are presumed to be driving under the influence unless you can convince a judge or jury that your judgment was not impaired and you were not driving hazardously.

What is an Administrative License Hearing?

An Administrative License Hearing is a proceeding regarding the suspension or revocation of your driving privilege only. The administrative hearing is separate and distinct from a criminal hearing. The only penalty to be issued at this hearing is loss of your privilege to drive; no criminal penalties can be imposed in the administrative license suspension proceeding.

An Administrative Hearing will focus on the following:

  • If you took a blood, breath or urine tests;
  • Did the officer have reasonable cause to believe you were driving a motor vehicle in violation of the law;
  • Were you arrested legally or lawfully?
  • Were you driving a motor vehicle when you had a higher percentage of alcohol in your blood than allowed by state law?

If you refused or failed to complete a blood, breath or urine tests:

  • Did the officer have reasonable cause to believe you were driving a motor vehicle in violation of the law?
  • Were you arrested legally or lawfully?
  • Did you refuse to submit to or failed to complete a blood, breath or urine tests after being requested to do so by officer?

What is an SR-22?

SR-22 is an insurance policy named after the SR-22 DMV form; the insurance policy was created to insure DUI, DWI and high risk drivers. The majority of states require DUI convicts to obtain an SR-22 from their automobile insurer. Once a driver request an SR-22 the insurance company is placed upon notice of the DUI conviction. An SR-22 requires your insurance company to notify the DMV if your insurance policy is cancelled.

Unfortunately, the SR-22 is not standard with every insurance carrier. If your current insurance provider cannot provide you with an SR-22 they may be forced to cancel your policy. Failure to maintain your high risk SR-22 insurance will result in the DMV suspending your license.